I have an eating problem. I don't know what kind of problem it is, but it's a problem nonetheless. I think, from the reading I've done, that it's binge eating. I have all sorts of feelings about what I'm doing, but I'm not sure if I'm 'eating my feelings' or not.
I've tried dieting and like a lot of people, my issues with food are just getting worse and I've gained a ton of weight. I know, logically, that I'm not alone, but I sure feel alone.
I decided, after researching what was going on with me, that I needed to write what I felt when I was eating. So I tried to keep a journal, but I hate writing by hand (can't write as fast as I think) and it really helps to write in a public forum.
At least for the moment I'm not linking this blog to my other blogs. I'm not sure I'm ready for people who know me to know the real me, ya know? For now, you can call me Marge, because my Mom was Marg and people sometimes called her Large Marge when she was a girl. Because I can relate, I'll be Large Marge too.