I read an excellent blog the other day in which a woman related to Moses 1:10 where Moses comes to realize he is nothing in the sight of God. Not nothing in that we mean nothing, but nothing as in we can do nothing without His help.
This is where my blog is going to take a religious tone, so please feel free to exit the building if it's not to your liking.
I am a Latter Day Saint. I recently discovered that my church has an addiction recovery program, and that they treat compulsive eating in addition to the more obvious addictions. A friend of mine who is a counselor in the program (and has no idea that I needed this information for myself,) provided me with the program's pamphlet.
I'm going to work on the twelve steps of the program over the next twelve months and will dedicate a post or two to the steps each month. The LDS program is based on the alcoholics anonymous twelve-step program, but is customized to our faith.
The first step is to,
Admit that you, of yourself, are powerless to overcome your addiction and that your life has become unmanageable.
Step one focuses on honesty. To be honest with myself, with God and with those around me. I have a problem with overeating. I created the problem, but I cannot fix it on my own.
I have told my husband. I have told Heavenly Father. I have asked for help from both of them. I am on my way.